There are 45 classrooms in total, including: General education subjects - 8; Special subjects - 37, including: Laboratories - 4; Workshops - 4
Classrooms are designed in accordance with the requirements of educational programs. All classrooms are equipped with first aid kits, first aid kits, and fire extinguishers. Security logs are available. In order to improve the quality of the process of professional training and preparation of students studying at the college, 20 projectors with an interactive board were installed in the classrooms.
For the convenience of college teachers and students in the educational building, in accordance with the lease agreement with the JSC, there is a dining room for 20 people, and a buffet for 12 people in the dormitory.
Safe conditions have been created in the college for students and employees, in particular: there is a monitoring regime, which determines the order of the college students and employees, prevents the entry of outsiders, removal of official documents and material values, and other violations of social order regulation. The educational building of the college has 36 video surveillance, 15 external video surveillance, 21 internal video surveillance. 16 cameras were installed in the dormitory building, including 8 video surveillance cameras inside and 8 cameras outside. 2 turnstiles, an alarm button connected to the duty department of the police department of Sarkan city is connected to the security post.
The college dormitory is located at Baitursynov street 9D, Sarkan city, the total capacity is 100 people. The dormitory is a 4-story building, each floor has utility rooms, shower cabins, kitchens, and a computer class. Wi-Fi is enabled.
Availability of facilities for people with special educational needs: access roads, information and navigational aids, stairs with ramps and stairs and ramps equipped with handrails, doors and stairs are painted with contrasting colors and signs are installed. There are 2 urinals and 1 disabled toilet.
Indoor toilets in the educational building are 6 toilets for men and 6 for women.